Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ13_Criminal justice

DQ13_Criminal justice

Q Chapter nine of your text names the goals of corrections as retribution, deterrence, incapacitationand rehabilitation. Based on the chapter address the following questions: • Explain the difference between each goal. • Using a search engine of your choice, look for an article or video that illustrates the named goals in the American system of corrections. You will need a total of three (3) articles and/or videos that illustrate each goal individually. o Explain how the article/video illustrates the individual goal. • In your personal opinion, which of the three goals named best addresses the needs of the victim, the offender and society?

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Retribution is basically the need of punishing the criminal because of the harm he has caused to others. Deterrence is a kind of correction through which a kind of example is being set for the public which will discourage the criminals to commit any crimes. Incapacitation is almost like deterrence but this directly works as a prevention of the crime by restricting the potential criminal. Rehabilitation is like restoring. This process tries to restore the previous state an offender through some kinds of therapies.